Weaving (at last)

I’ve finally finished the baby blanket I started back in November, pics:

As you can see the yarns aren’t exactly the same WPI, the pink is a little fluffier so it stands out more. I was hopping that after “fulling” it might even out a little but it looks exactly the same, which is fine because I still love it.

I ended up cutting it off the loom earlier then I had originally planned as the warp threads were really starting to give up the challenge and it had reached a length I was happy with. Final measurements are 123 cm, not including fringe (stared at 220cm under tension) x 74 cm (started at 81 cm in reed).

I’m pretty pleased with myself actually. This is my first finished item, warped and woven by me on my 4-shaft floor loom. I’ve learnt a few things from this project, such as taking my time is a good thing, don’t ever use yarn like this again as it’s too fragile for warp really. There are a few alterations I’d like to make to my loom, I’d like to add 2 more treadles and I’d like to get rid of the current tensioning system with it’s huge heavy box and lead weights and move to a simpler auto tensioning system. I’d also really, really, really, like to get sectional beam & tension box for future projects.

I’m extremely frustrated though living in NZ as a new weaver, getting my hands on weaving tools, accessories and even yarns is turning into loads of trouble. I so wish I had a good weaving supplies store that I could walk into and finger their yarns and pick up their tools and really be able to get my sensory information before making purchasing decisions. I’d also really like to be able to talk to people in a shop who weave, rather then the few “craft” or “knitting” shops that just happen to sell Ashford weaving items. Anyways, I do have some rug warp arriving (hopefully) soon as well as some sample cards of yarn so that I can get to planning and weaving up a few more items prior to Sprocket arriving (17 weeks to go!)

3 responses

  1. It’s beautiful!! A great first project on a countermarche loom!! (I’m going to do something smaller and wimpier as my first countermarche project!!)


  2. It’s beautiful!!!! I’ve been reading your beautiful blog all the way from Canada!! you are living my dream!!! It’s so inspiring. I came across your blog when I was researching weaving. We got our daughter who is 7 a cricket loom for Christmas. She is loving it. I’m surprised that you don’t have a weaving shop in NZ as it is the home of Ashford! that’s terrible…..I was glad to find a weaving shop only 2 hrs away where the owner and the wife is accomplished weavers and they set us up with the cricket and we also have a woolen mill where they process wool with machines that are over 100 yrs old, it’s fascinating!…..a friend told me there was a bigger loom at a local thrift shop, so I’m going to check it out later today……I hope you find what you are looking for…..good luck!

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